I have high hopes for the future

Change your thoughts, change your life.

I’m doing a lot of positive thinking these days because I sense change is in my future. Positive change if I can trust and believe all I’m told, it’s what’s written on the wind, its a gust of fresh air and a new rainbow in the eastern sky. Okay I don’t know where that came from! I did see a rainbow this morning!

A new opportunity presents itself, I’m ready for change, I’ve closed one door for another to open. But it depends on so many factors I’m not in charge of so I can only be myself and hope that I can share the life of another free spirit chosen for me.

My plans change from day to day, I know what I want to happen, I want to be in love and be loved again truly and trusting and honestly. I’m ready to turn the page and start fresh with a new plan for my future hopefully not alone but if alone ready to create a new page in my diary always learning something new about myself and this world I’ve created. Something I just read…

If you are looking for someone to change your future, look in the mirror!

I’m looking deeply into other states of mind, intuition, astrology and even ordered some tarot cards which I won’t know what to do with, just opening my mind to other realities without censoring anything looking more closely to see if I’ve missed something useful, some unexpected knowledge that might benefit me or someone else.

Zacbushmd.com/blog, this man was recommended by CO man and is the best thing Ive gotten from him, besides fixing electrical gadgets, I highly recommend this blog to inform yourself about the state of our world and humanity. And what can be done to save us from a dying off of our planet earth.

Sin mas

I am My own worst enemy!

Do you ever do dumb things, I am especially careless in one regard, my bladder health. I’ve written here before about IC, a condition I’ve had for many years, A mostly stable condition but then I do something stupid and it flares up to remind me that I have a sensitive bladder

The past two days I’ve been working on all the 4 inch ceramic tiles that I removed from GG, I’m sure I must have 100 tiles and I wanted to use alcohol inks and resin.. I have a very good respirator. One day I spent the day in the rv because too hot to make them outside or in the studio, alcohol fumes in the rv without good ventilation was stupid and to confound further I did the same in the studio the next day with the resin. So by afternoon I was in bladder hell, and today will be unpleasant. I did it to myself! Using the respirator is not comfortable and would have probably made a difference in how I feel today. You may wonder, toxic fumes affecting my bladder? Absolutely!

I discovered a better way to finish these tiles. Instead of painting directly on the tiles, I’m using the inks on a large sheet of yupo paper that the inks glide over, then cut the papers the size of the tile. Then varnish, no more dealing with the resin, because they didn’t turn out well, these are pretty cute but still need to add backs clean up the edges, make a hole for ribbon on the wood squares.

I’ll need to lighten some parts I see

About the move, I change my mind every day. I’ve decided to go to South Carolina for my granddaughter ‘s wedding, can’t miss this event, it’s in October so I will drive with Charley to leave him with my son or sister and fly out of Dallas. Spend a couple days in SC return and spend some time in Dallas before making the long drive home. When that is completed I’ll see about My move, probably to Truth or Consequences before Christmas.

All is well on the singles site, haven’t met anymore idiots, a couple possible meets soon, all good.

Confused by WordPress updates

This is what happens when I try to use my ipad to work, the ipad and the computer don’t seem to catch up with each other or it lets me add a photo but no way for me to add a post.

So this pic got here all by itself and I like the pic so I’ll add a note here, it was published just like that. WordPress updates often and I’m sure most bloggers are pleased with changes and how things are done. I can’t keep up I am getting behind trying to understand how all this works it’s like double hard for me lately so I’ll just go about to do my best while knowing I could do better if I really tried, or really cared or felt the need to learn something new, again.

But I am doing something new. I’ve removed all my tiles in the bathroom of my RV, Remember that I covered the whole wall with tiles covered with photos of paintings. I have them everywhere, in the kitchen, hah yes my space to cook in is hardly worthy of being called a kitchen but I have them around and over the bathroom door and at the entry.

I’ve taken them all down the tiles and scrubbed the photos off and I’m going to use alcohol inks on the tiles. The colors of the inks are vibrant and gorgeous, I’m excited. I’ve been playing with the different brands of inks and haven’t settled on one, watching utube videos for advice and ideas.

I’ll take some photos to show you, this is really fun, I sat in the studio today playing in ink for hours despite the heat with the AC running on fan next to me because if I close the door it’s too dark inside and the fan is pretty effective until it isn’t, then we go inside to blast the AC until its time to take Charley for his afternoon date in the dog park where he takes care of business, by the way, Charley has a friend he doesn’t quite know how to play with but at least they don’t mind being together and I can sit and talk with my fine neighbor while they sniff around discovering new smells, I guess that’s what they do anyway.

Well this has already been published so I guess I’ll add new tile photos tomorrow, I don’t have adhesive to put them up right now, need to remember what worked best because some of the tiles fell off the wall and I’m not sure what I used, one thing I do remember is to start from the bottom and work up carefully!

Bathroom Update – – Kitchen Ideas

desert flowers in camp

I’m wondering how long this white spray paint will hold up on the sink and counter. Looks ok, until I decide to do something different. I used the white wall tiles on the floor, may be a mistake but the area is so small nothing else looked nice, could be slippery when wet. Old lady falling in the bathroom breaking a hip comes to mind. I finally got the mirror behind the toilet to stay up using adhesive and strong strips of Velcro, I also have it boosted on a couple blocks of wood so that it is resting on something solid, hard to tell on these photos. Looking at Mexican painted ceramic sinks gives me ideas….

I worked cutting tiles, not easy or as much fun as I’d expected today my hands look terrible, remind me to never do this again inside the RV!.  There is a coat of ceramic dust covering everything.    I was cutting them to fill in the irregular spaces in several areas on the wall and floor.

Still no hot water, RV guy is so busy he wont be able to look at the problem for another week!  Glad for large sized wipes and my electric water pitcher to heat water for dish washing. I’ve decided to travel to him next week, he is 25 miles away from where I am and I need (want) several things done when he finally has time. I’ll park there for a couple days to get everything done.

This is a new idea for my kitchen. Space there is really limited, today I decided to cook up some vegetables and what a challenge to actually cook a meal. counter space is nonexistent and I ended up putting everything in the Instapot rather than the oven because the oven was too small for my pans. I think I’ll be using that more than my new and unfamiliar cook top or oven.

But look what I’m going to do with my Mexican garden pot. I’m going to use it in the area between the sink and my bed to keep stuff in, maybe a few dishes or just fresh fruits & vegetables or even a garden! it will give me a little more space to put things aside while prepping food. Right now it’s just sitting there as I have to remove one board to make space for it. I have a few more ideas, I’ll hang a large cutting board off the edge of the sink that can be folded up to use, and maybe a open shelf between the kitchen and my bed

tiny spaces make you test your resourcefulness and your resources.

this is just to give an idea, behind this is my bed, this it will act to divide the spaces.

Tiles,Tiles,Tiles for GG

I bought another box of tiles, my last I think as I have no more places to add them without looking like I have no better ideas in my head. They are everywhere. At the entry between the stairs, over and under the fridge around the bathroom door, in the bathroom over the entire wall, backsplash behind the stove and photos as though as tiles on the edge of the loft. I suppose I could put them on Jose’s table, even cover the interior water tank under the table. Or even on the sides of my bed, that could look cool, so now it’s a matter of where I don’t have tiles, yet. I put the tree tiles at the instep of the stairs at my entry, looks fine.

Ain’t life grand.

Before and After

This is GG as she was when I bought her, pretty blah no personality. Then I started painting, moving, reorganizing. Then Jose built the table for me and now I have less to tie down when we move. I have different curtains now because I can change the look of the space so easily but can go back to my Indian fabrics anytime I want or get tired of what I have up.

This is the process of try and trial and many errors to find the best way to keep stuff .from moving………this shows how unsuccessful this attempt was. all those boxes fell over when traveling. All the walls were painted with gripper paint and several coats of paint, it could still use another coat, maybe some day. Everything gets moved around as I find a better way to arrange my stuff.

RV- Bathroom – Small Spaces Update

It’s not finished yet….

I’m not finished yet, I need to add tiles in a few spots and polyurethane the heck out of it….

which I would have done but I couldn’t get the polyurethane open, that push and turn is hard for older hands but I’ll ask for help when I’m ready to expose myself to the fumes …I did buy a mask and will use it..

The shower wall looks paper thin and coming apart in one corner so I need to find a way to cover or repair to prevent the avoided at all costs water damage, and the floor  all 14 x 16 inches of it still has the ugly white tile on it.

It feels odd not to have the mirror over the sink but I’m getting used to it, that wall was in such bad shape it was better to cover it all up with my hand-made tiles.

  I added a  blue framed door mirror behind the toilet  and the second picture is with the door open so you see outside the door into my mini-bathroom.

RV Frustrations, but it will be just fine, some day, I hope soooon

Does anyone want to read about my RV frustrations?  I doubt it, but I must write, the only slightly unusual thing about my scribbles is that I am a young 75 year old single woman doing what I can to have a good life on my own in a 27 year old class C RV called GG which provides plenty of frustrations for me.

It’s just that things don’t work as they should, or did, either in the RV…… or in me.

I try to remain respectful of our mutual aged-ness.

I set my foot carefully on the top of the couch back,  I leap up and hoist myself up to my loft, (over the cab) I can sit crouched low or prone  because I have no head room to sit upright,  but it’s a comfy place to read  just lying there, flat with the ceiling 10 inches  over me. IMG_0188

The temperature  between the loft and downstairs is not the same as heat flows up and at night I set the heater at 68 so it doesn’t overheat the loft where I sleep, until I need a bathroom break and climb back down, (I’ve only slide down abruptly a few times, (no damage, a few more scuff marks on my thin skin) and its darn chilly downstairs and cold in the bathroom…….

oh, the bathroom, that is a frustration.  It is so small, it should be an easy place to maintain and decorate but it is a tiny room mess.  I had the big heavy broken mirrored useless shelf system removed and it left a  pock marked cardboard-like wall that I’ve tried to fix. I sprayed the wall and got a mist of paint over everything, not a good idea.IMG_0220IMG_0218

I wanted to add my art tiles on the wall similar to those I put around my bathroom door but some of the tiles had resin drips on the back so they didn’t lay flat and the wall was not flat either, probably never was flat or smooth.  The adhesive I used was great around the door and is the same I used for the floor tiles but what a mess they made on this wall. Everything was sticky everything that I touched was sticky and the tiles just kept falling down.

I  tried again and again to keep those tiles hanging but finally gave up and hung a painting beside the few tiles that remained.  Some tiles were place holders for new images, the other tiles were such a sticky mess I had to toss them out… and they were very pretty tiles. Now I’m thinking to put up some wall coverings or even plaster the wall. Days later and the wall is still sticky.

Then my fridge stopped working.  It hadn’t worked on electric power for me at all but was working perfectly on propane, until yesterday.

Called an expert, he said it had 27 good years.

RV fridges are very expensive as they run on both electric and propane, they run about  $$1700.  It was suggested that I just get a regular fridge one that only works on electric , less expensive but it  would  tether me to RV camps, unable to camp without amenities on public lands.

I did not start this life’s chapter to live in a campground where you are one of hundreds of rv’s parked close together. NO

So I started looking for used RV fridges, RV parts, and finally went to ebay and found a slightly damaged new RV fridge at half price, it will cost me about $1000 to get it, have it  shipped from Waco TX and installed but I think I found a good deal. OJALA ! (which I  exclaim in a most ungodly manner)

Have I mentioned that my hot water heater is down again?

But my oven works

And my smoke alarm works again and again and again.

It was a Cold Morning….

in Richardson Texas today but we dressed in layers and set out for the Four Seasons Market with our tables, tent,  grids, chairs, rocks, paintings, tiles and persimmons for sale.  “We are getting better with the set up of the tent and it should get easier, but right now it’s still a challenge every week.

We didn’t sell any art today.

We sold rocks and tiles.  I forgot my business cards and that was embarrassing, what kind of salesperson forgets her business cards and has to give a paper with this website address on it.   I like the making and the painting, but I’m not so good at the selling part of a business. Shar is better at this so she is the business manager partner, she also takes a better photo than I do, as seen here with a happy customer.